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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Cell Phines Chould Not Be Allowed in School Essay Example

Cell Phines Chould Not Be Allowed in School Essay Example Cell Phines Chould Not Be Allowed in School Paper Cell Phines Chould Not Be Allowed in School Paper Cell phones are wireless phones that most people use now. First they used the home phone which is still used in different countries in the world. In 1834 a man named Michael Faraday, was studying if space could conduct electricity and he came with the idea to develop the cell phone. Cell phones are now used everywhere by anyone, even kids. This brings a problem, CELL PHONES in school. Cell phones should not be allowed in school. Cell phone has a harmful effect on teenagers. Student at high school should not be allowed with cell phones due to certain circumstances. There are many disadvantages derived from the uses of cell phones by high school students. Although cell phones are great they need to be banned from schools. Society has come to a point where the idea of living without cell phones seems absurd that they can’t be without cell phone. The usage of mobile phones has provided evidence of them being used for both positive purposes and negative reasons. Student’s desire cell phones in order to sustain contact with friends, but the parents of students wants their children to have cell phones with them for security purposes. But talking about security the students can also be in danger, and also affecting them in their studies? Cell phones carry multiple benefits, but with this technology lies a dualism that goes precariously between the benefits and negative effects of cell phone usage especially with students. In the case of school emergencies, cell phones can prove more of a hindrance than a help. Cell phones have been used to call in bomb threats. Tracking a cell phone is not easily done. Also, students use of cell phones in a school emergency can possibly trigger a real bomb if an explosive device is on the schools property. Students are affected because instead they learn they are copying, texting in class, receiving calls during class, they are being distracted. Cell Phones should not be allowed in High School. Although mobile phones have taken over society, they have been around for several decades. In the late 1940 they discovered that the technology that would be used for cell phones, created and the idea of a mobile phone was introduced. The first mobile phones, referred to as First Generation or 1G, were introduced to the public market in 1983. However, the 1G cell phone was the size of a large briefcase and very inconvenient and uncomfortable but people did not care. During the 1990s, there was a great improvement made in the mobile phone technology. These phones used Second Generation, or 2G technology. The Second Generation cellular phone technology was much faster and much quieter than its analog predecessor. This new technology also made the cell phones capable of being smaller rather than the large briefcase-sized from the 1980s. In today’s society the cell phone has not only help us in communication but also as a treat to our students. The cell phone is now a huge distraction to our students in the class room and even causing accidents on the high way due to lack of attention. Teenagers and cell phones they seem to be inseparable these days. For example when you go to the mall or places that you could find students it is hard to grasp their attention due to the fact that they are either talking on the phone or text messaging each other. Cell phones and school may not be a good combination, although they are helpful in communication, but why would someone need to be in a conversation while at school? Why not use the school community phone? We have seen that cell phones are helpful but they need to be banned from school. Students use Cell phones to cheat in school and are not learning. Cell phones enable students to take a picture of tests and answers. Cell phones are good for an emergency but it also has its bad part. If there is an emergency at the school, students may not pass along correct information rather giving wrong information. Also there are school phones that can be used for terrorism, as for call for bomb threats and explosions. It has the potential to detonate real bombs with their signals and can explode and kill the entire school. There is distraction in class in which other students are not learning because they are texting, answering calls, and calling. This also affects the students because they are not grasping what the teacher is lecturing and because of short like abbreviation they are failing test and exams. Students tend to download nudity stuff and forward it to friends (some they don’t like it because it causes a problem). Cell phones are affecting the students in their academic performance and teenagers have become addicted to it. Students are rather cheating than studying. Since cheating has become such a large threat in schools with the expanding use of the internet and the availability of so many resources, cell phones can easily be used to pass on information to other students. Students can send test pictures, answers or even websites where they can find the work. This is not fair because as some students struggle to study some are just copying. Although they are copying they don’t know that they are the ones who will suffer the consequences. Students, who are receiving higher grades through cheating, make it far more difficult for other students who are truly putting their best effort. Students are not learning if they are using the phone to cheat. Despite the admission of cell phones being used by students for emergencies, this is no excuse. If something is urgent and the student take its phone to school, Then that student is responsible to put his/her cell phone on silence and have the opportunity to get up and go outside without distracting the other students who are interesting in school work. If the student has an emergency, don’t you think that they should discuss the problem with the school counselor? Plus if they need to call this can easily be achieved by phoning their parents directly from school. Cell phones are distraction in class when learning is taken place. Many schools in higher crime areas began banning cell phones long time, due to the business of illegal drugs and other gang-related activities. Students can be able to order and use illegal drugs during school hours and could have them delivered right to the school before the end of the day. This made it more convenient for the children because they are at school and away from the prying eyes of their parent. In the case of bomb threats at school, the threat itself was probably called into the school on a cell phone because of these devices; they cannot be traced by law enforcement officials. In other words to trace a bomb in a cell phone is difficult and to evacuate an entire school it’s kind of hard. While most of these threats turn out to be hoaxes, a real bomb could possibly be detonated by cell phone usage. Also if the teenagers take phones to school, not every student will remember to put his/her phone on vibration, this can leads to classes interruption by the occasionally ring tones which leads in annoying the teacher and interrupt the class and plus the other students who want to learn. Yes they will receive texts from their parents and to see if they are okay but, if students put the phone on vibrate it also interrupt the class, why? Because there are different models of phones and for each one, the vibrations are somehow loud and also interrupt the class. If students also take phones to school and if there is a call the students will want to know from whom the call is coming from and will cause distraction to the class, to him and this would be disrespect to the lecturer. It will be disrespect because the lecturer is teaching and you won’t be paying any attention than to your phone. This will cause the student with the phone to lose focus and valuable information being lectured by the teacher. Cell phone makes students to practice and engaging in criminal activities, which lead them to have less time for school work causing the school and students to be both involved and being affected. . High school student are achieving poorly in terms of their academic records and in some major subject. Students are spending more time on cell phones than on their school work. This makes them to achieve poorly at school because their focus is on phones. Moreover, students with cell phones are not able to maintain good writing skills because if the result of short like abbreviated words used in texting. During formal writings as in a exam or test, they are below grade level because they use the words that they practice when they send texts messages to friends or relatives. In this case like this students are struggling to get a good grade better than a 70% in writing. It is the view that most student send messages are in short like abbreviated. Against that is the view that student are not able to maintain good writing skills is the result of short like abbreviated words used during texting. Students get accustom in using short like abbreviation and when writing school work it affects them because it is improper English causing them to fail. This will also affect the student in the future, when they are applying for a job or trying to write a letter to their boss for a sickness or job application letter. This will show that you are not capable to do this type of job. This is caused because students are now using short like abbreviation. Students can do research through their phones in the internet and do not need to use a computer but, while using the internet the student might be texting, which is a big distraction because although they don’t see the other students is looking at him, he is also distracted. School administrators do not approve cell phone because they are in school and because what literally student’s go is to learn. Students can take pictures in the locker room and putting them in the Internet, this will bring problems to the school and the student. problem these days with texting (sending nude or pornographic sex messages) in the schools. Students can become distracted during class by trying to download and texting one another instead of listening to the instructor. Students tend to be downloading music and pornographic videos which also cause distraction. Not only pornographic stuff, but also sending answers to those students who have not students, then the students are not learning nor studying. Cell phone is affecting students in one way or another. Conclusion As the argument between if cell phones should be or should be not accepted in school, school officials and concerned parents are revising this issue. Some school administrators have made suggestions that students keep their cell phones in school but have it turn it off. Officers and some parents have some doubt about this because even though the students have their cell phones turn off, it doesn’t matter if they will have it in vibration there will be distraction of class, If they have the phone of course students will turn on the phone. Every time he/she have a call they will want to see from whom it is, that is already disruption of class. The benefit of mobile phones is instant communication but one thing, this is totally unnecessary in a classrooms. In addition cell phones will cause distraction and secondary problems that will lead the student to drop out of school.

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